How I Built My Portfolio Website

Portfolio Website Screenshot

Project Overview

My portfolio website was built using Next.js and TailwindCSS, showcasing my work and skills in a modern, responsive format. The site features a clean design with a focus on usability and accessibility.

Next.js provides a robust framework for building server-side rendered React applications, while TailwindCSS allows for rapid styling with utility-first classes. Together, these technologies deliver a highly performant and visually appealing website.

Key Features

  • Responsive design optimized for both desktop and mobile devices
  • Server-side rendering for improved performance and SEO
  • Utility-first CSS with TailwindCSS for customizable styling
  • Integration with GitHub for version control and code management
  • Interactive elements and smooth transitions for enhanced user experience

Technologies Used

This website was developed with the following technologies:

  • Next.js: A powerful React framework for server-side rendering and static site generation.
  • TailwindCSS: A utility-first CSS framework that enables rapid design with minimal custom CSS.
  • TypeScript: A superset of JavaScript that adds static types to improve code quality and developer experience.
  • Node.js: The runtime environment for executing JavaScript on the server side.